Also most Evangelical churches have a massive debt load and a major capital investment in real estate / facilities. They aren’t going to be able to pivot. I can’t imagine the stress that pastor/CEOs are under right now.

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“ Regular churchgoers realized what the rest of the world already knew: staying home on Sunday mornings is quite nice.”

This is really the key to me. So many people went to church simply because they had always gone to church. I’ve literally had Christians ask me what I do on Sunday mornings. When I say ‘sleep in and get brunch’ it’s like the scales fall from their eyes. There are so many people that will simply never go back now that the habit has been broken.

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Church went bad when it became a “Business.”

Sure, like anything else, it technically IS a business, and should be run with fiduciary responsibility.

But, too much concentration is now placed on “NUMBERS.”

Great post, and food for thought.


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